TESCO is dedicated to providing quality products and professional services to our clients. In addition to our Sacramento, CA corporate office and manufacturing facility, TESCO has staffed regional offices to quickly respond to client needs.
Corporate Headquarters
8440 Florin Road
Sacramento, CA 95828
(916) 395-8800
Southern California
42015 Remington Ave., Suite 102
Temecula, CA 92590
(800) 94-TESCO [(800) 948-3726]
Central California
1315-B Dayton St.
Salinas, CA 93901
(800) 94-TESCO [(800) 948-3726]
7380 W Sand Lake Road, Suite 500
Orlando, FL 32819
(800) 94-TESCO [(800) 948-3726]
11115 Industriplex Blvd., Suite 300
Baton Rouge, LA 70809
(800) 94-TESCO [(800) 948-3726]
8000 Jetstar Rd., Suite 150
Irving, TX 75063
(800) 94-TESCO [(800) 948-3726]

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